Friday, 31 July 2009

I Am Immune To Ant Venom

A little tribute to The Blood-Squirting Regal Horned Lizard. I shall make no pretence that this is anything more than a peculiar little holding measure before I unleash a couple of noble aural beasts that are nearing completion. It is not without its charms, though, and may well keep me awake at night.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Catraft Master 9 (w/The Fastest Man In The World)

Cats, rafts, masters and nines are scarce, but Phill Towers, who is visionary composer/producer on this "next level digital shit"/opus, said something about the Chinese Zodiac. Wordwise, I paced about the atrium and proclaimed, while Towers took notes. We would like to thank Allen Ginsberg, Warren Zevon and Robert Oppenheimer for their inspiration over the years. Special thanks to Sly Stallone for finance.

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Waspillow (w/Genghis Robespierre)

Paul recorded 20 seconds of tortilla-based GENIUS, I applauded, and he left me with instructions to the effect of "do your thing". My thing is what I did, a bit. There are no crabs here (there never have been), nor whalenesses, but there are waspillows. And Franklin.

Friday, 17 July 2009

The Fire Came Too

A wordless ambient piece that I fully intend to return to and expand upon at some point. My starting point was a little snippet from the end of Paul's "Phonic Tonic", but we're not calling it a collaboration, as fully fledged collaborations will be forthcoming. This number feels like it has a sinister religiosity to it, while The Sister felt it evoked a Metal Whale. These can only be good things.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Crab Self (No Mystery)

This'll play "Owl" first - skip it if so desired, and I'll ensure the like never happens again, crabdamn it.

Firstly, an apology for the absence of crabs; I feel I may have lured some of you here on false pretenses. That said, though, what we have here is a bunch of sound rendered via my un-patented Wasp Techniques, with a D drone (organ and harp settings on Franklin*) and words in the form of approximately three fragments shoved wantonly together. I'm not at all sure yet what I think of this.

*more on Franklin later...

Update: This particular piece was sampled by CTS in a concoction that can be found here.

Monday, 13 July 2009

Every Vein/Owl

Some formlessly eerie sounds to get things under way, coupled with a short poem written one of those sleepless dawns. A large part of what's here began life (or its former life) as a cover of Rudy, A Message To You done with Lord Moxther on guitar and myself on bodhran, but it's safe to say that it has been rendered entirely unrecognisable, so I say this only as a point of (a little) interest.

